API - Planyo Web Services - EventType

API - Planyo Web Services - EventType

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EventType (version 1)

One of the following values representing possible events:
1 = reservation confirmed
2 = reservation cancelled by an admin
3 = confirmed through preapproval
4 = admin-cancelled and marked as fraud
5 = reservation cancelled by customer
6 = conflict marked as removed
8 = customer checked in
9 = reservation was entered into the system by an admin/moderator/agent
12 = email address was verified
13 = reservation modified by admin
14 = reservation cancelled automatically
15 = reservation payment was deleted by an admin
16 = new payment was added
17 = additional products were reserved
18 = reservation was modified by the customer
19 = non-completed reservation changed to completed (reserved)
20 = reservation price was changed
21 = customer checked out
22 = Checked-in/Checked-out status was cancelled by the administrator
23 = unfinished reservation was completed automatically (happens when the customer made the reservation but didn't go through the additional products page and abandoned the process there, in such case Planyo finishes such reservation after 30min)
24 = confirmed status was removed by an admin
25 = conflict was detected
100 = other (special) admin action (may be used in the future)