FAQ Q289: How can I import users using a CSV file?

Section: Integrations with other apps and data import/export
There are two ways to bulk import user: use the API function add_user or you can use a much simpler bulk CSV import of users (you'll find a link in Site Settings).

The CSV structure is very simple: there is no special pre-defined meaning for any column, the first (header) row determines what given column stands for. All the other rows (data rows) will include the import data -- a single user per row. Note that up to 500 data rows will be imported from a single CSV file.

The header.

The names of the header row will be used to map each CSV field into a user property. Beyond the standard user properties listed below, you can also add custom user fields that you can define on the Custom user properties page.

The standard user property names that you can use in the CSV file are as follows:

first name, last name, email - basic user information.
country, address, city, zip, state - user address data.
phone, phone country code, mobile number, mobile country code - phone numbers. You should specify country codes separately from the number itself (e.g. 41 for Switzerland or 1 for the USA/Canada).
language - user language. Use two-letter language codes (ISO 639-1), like: EN, DE, FR, ES, IT, PL etc.

Note that the First name and email fields are obligatory. Other fields can be specified optionally.


First name, Last name, email, country, city, phone, phone country code, language
John, Doe, jd@foo.com, England, London, 22334455, 44, EN
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