Ticket Santa Eulàlia d'Erill la Vall Church - Buy tickets

Your rate:
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  • If online tickets are sold out you can make the purchase of the ticket directly at the church box office. Always respecting the capacity limit.
Purchase details
  • Open Day, we celebrate 20 years of World Heritage
  • Choose an entry time (the time of visit is 30 min maximum)
  • Free entry: Children up to 10 years of age accompanied by an adult, Accredited members of ICOM (International Council of Museums) or ICOMOS (International Council of Monuments)., Accredited professional tourist guides upon presentation of proof of their status., Disabled people upon presentation of a certificate confirming their disabled status (The persona accompanying them will also benefit from a free admission rate if the disabled status certificate states that the disabled person requires a companion). Unemployed people upon presentation of proof of their status
Personal details
  • +1
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  • Enter additional notes here.
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