Tutorial: Setting up daily lottery deciding which customers get access to next day's event using Zapier and waiting lists (3 / 4)
Whenever a customer attempts to make a reservation, they'll see an error message informing them of unavailability and the button
Add me to the waiting list. Note that you can change all texts visible to the end customers including this error message in
customized translations. As mentioned previously, administrators can either add waiting list requests or regular reservations but normal customers are unable to enter regular reservations because of the vacation (unavailability) defined for all days.

You can always see the reservations in the waiting list
in: Reservations / Waiting list. Here we have 13 waiting list items from which 10 will become valid reservations once the Zapier automation launches at the scheduled time.

Note that the customers (or the customers and the admins) can receive an email notification after their request is added to the waiting list. In order to do this, add a notification for the
added to waiting list event on the
Notifications page.