Automatic updates of form items - travelchoice

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  • Enter a single drop-down value (e.g. '12' or 'foo'), comma-separated multiple values (e.g. '1, 12, 20' or 'foo, bar, cat'), a range of values (e.g. 'from 7 to 12'), not-equal-to value (e.g. ~abc), or values bigger or smaller then a specified value (e.g. '< 12' or '> 10'). Use $(empty) and $(notempty) to check for empty/not-empty values

  • You can type a single date (e.g. 2012-03-16), comma-separated multiple dates (e.g. '2012-05-16, 2012-05-22, 2012-10-24'), a weekday (e.g. Monday, Tuesday, ...), a month (January, February, ...), a range of dates (e.g. 'from 2012-03-16 to 2012-04-29' ) or the whole period before or after a specified date (e.g. '< 2012-03-16' or '> 2013-11-20').

  • You can type a single date (e.g. 2012-03-16), comma-separated multiple dates (e.g. '2012-05-16, 2012-05-22, 2012-10-24'), a weekday (e.g. Monday, Tuesday, ...), a month (January, February, ...), a range of dates (e.g. 'from 2012-03-16 to 2012-04-29' ) or the whole period before or after a specified date (e.g. '< 2012-03-16' or '> 2013-11-20').

  • Enter a text value. Enter * if any value should trigger the update. Use ~ (e.g. ~abc) if any other text (not abc in the example) should trigger the update. Use $(empty) and $(notempty) to check for empty/not-empty values. Enter 'incl:text' if the update should be triggered by a value which includes the specified text.

  • Enter a text value. Enter * if any value should trigger the update. Use ~ (e.g. ~abc) if any other text (not abc in the example) should trigger the update. Use $(empty) and $(notempty) to check for empty/not-empty values. Enter 'incl:text' if the update should be triggered by a value which includes the specified text.

  • Enter a text value. Enter * if any value should trigger the update. Use ~ (e.g. ~abc) if any other text (not abc in the example) should trigger the update. Use $(empty) and $(notempty) to check for empty/not-empty values. Enter 'incl:text' if the update should be triggered by a value which includes the specified text.

  • Enter a text value. Enter * if any value should trigger the update. Use ~ (e.g. ~abc) if any other text (not abc in the example) should trigger the update. Use $(empty) and $(notempty) to check for empty/not-empty values. Enter 'incl:text' if the update should be triggered by a value which includes the specified text.

  • Enter a text value. Enter * if any value should trigger the update. Use ~ (e.g. ~abc) if any other text (not abc in the example) should trigger the update. Use $(empty) and $(notempty) to check for empty/not-empty values. Enter 'incl:text' if the update should be triggered by a value which includes the specified text.

  • Enter a text value. Enter * if any value should trigger the update. Use ~ (e.g. ~abc) if any other text (not abc in the example) should trigger the update. Use $(empty) and $(notempty) to check for empty/not-empty values. Enter 'incl:text' if the update should be triggered by a value which includes the specified text.

  • Enter a text value. Enter * if any value should trigger the update. Use ~ (e.g. ~abc) if any other text (not abc in the example) should trigger the update. Use $(empty) and $(notempty) to check for empty/not-empty values. Enter 'incl:text' if the update should be triggered by a value which includes the specified text.

  • Enter a text value. Enter * if any value should trigger the update. Use ~ (e.g. ~abc) if any other text (not abc in the example) should trigger the update. Use $(empty) and $(notempty) to check for empty/not-empty values. Enter 'incl:text' if the update should be triggered by a value which includes the specified text.

  • Enter a text value. Enter * if any value should trigger the update. Use ~ (e.g. ~abc) if any other text (not abc in the example) should trigger the update. Use $(empty) and $(notempty) to check for empty/not-empty values. Enter 'incl:text' if the update should be triggered by a value which includes the specified text.

  • Enter a text value. Enter * if any value should trigger the update. Use ~ (e.g. ~abc) if any other text (not abc in the example) should trigger the update. Use $(empty) and $(notempty) to check for empty/not-empty values. Enter 'incl:text' if the update should be triggered by a value which includes the specified text.

  • Enter a text value. Enter * if any value should trigger the update. Use ~ (e.g. ~abc) if any other text (not abc in the example) should trigger the update. Use $(empty) and $(notempty) to check for empty/not-empty values. Enter 'incl:text' if the update should be triggered by a value which includes the specified text.

  • Enter a single drop-down value (e.g. '12' or 'foo'), comma-separated multiple values (e.g. '1, 12, 20' or 'foo, bar, cat'), a range of values (e.g. 'from 7 to 12'), not-equal-to value (e.g. ~abc), or values bigger or smaller then a specified value (e.g. '< 12' or '> 10'). Use $(empty) and $(notempty) to check for empty/not-empty values

  • Enter a single drop-down value (e.g. '12' or 'foo'), comma-separated multiple values (e.g. '1, 12, 20' or 'foo, bar, cat'), a range of values (e.g. 'from 7 to 12'), not-equal-to value (e.g. ~abc), or values bigger or smaller then a specified value (e.g. '< 12' or '> 10'). Use $(empty) and $(notempty) to check for empty/not-empty values

  • Enter a drop-down value, e.g. 1, 7, foo or bar. If you enter multiple comma-separated values, the dependent item's choices will be limited to these choices. The first value will be also selected. If you want to set different texts for the values, you can also use the format Value:Text, e.g. by entering: Value1:Text 1, Value2:Text 2 Note you may also use the $(value) tag that will simply copy the trigger item value, e.g. 'Chosen value: $(value)'. $(value_raw) represents the value in an unchanged form (could be different in some cases).

  • Enter a single date, e.g. 2012-03-16. You can also add relative values, such as today or tomorrow or next Sunday
    . Note you may also use the $(value_raw) tag that will simply copy the trigger item value, e.g. 'Chosen value: $(value_raw)'. $(value_raw) represents the value in an unchanged form (could be different in some cases).

  • Enter a single date, e.g. 2012-03-16. You can also add relative values, such as today or tomorrow or next Sunday
    . Note you may also use the $(value_raw) tag that will simply copy the trigger item value, e.g. 'Chosen value: $(value_raw)'. $(value_raw) represents the value in an unchanged form (could be different in some cases).

  • Enter a text value. Note you may also use the $(value) tag that will simply copy the trigger item value, e.g. 'Chosen value: $(value)'. $(value_raw) represents the value in an unchanged form (could be different in some cases). If you use the Hide item option, $(clear_on_show) allows you to clear the field when it is shown again.

  • Enter a text value. Note you may also use the $(value) tag that will simply copy the trigger item value, e.g. 'Chosen value: $(value)'. $(value_raw) represents the value in an unchanged form (could be different in some cases). If you use the Hide item option, $(clear_on_show) allows you to clear the field when it is shown again.

  • Enter a text value. Note you may also use the $(value) tag that will simply copy the trigger item value, e.g. 'Chosen value: $(value)'. $(value_raw) represents the value in an unchanged form (could be different in some cases). If you use the Hide item option, $(clear_on_show) allows you to clear the field when it is shown again.

  • Enter a text value. Note you may also use the $(value) tag that will simply copy the trigger item value, e.g. 'Chosen value: $(value)'. $(value_raw) represents the value in an unchanged form (could be different in some cases). If you use the Hide item option, $(clear_on_show) allows you to clear the field when it is shown again.

  • Enter a text value. Note you may also use the $(value) tag that will simply copy the trigger item value, e.g. 'Chosen value: $(value)'. $(value_raw) represents the value in an unchanged form (could be different in some cases). If you use the Hide item option, $(clear_on_show) allows you to clear the field when it is shown again.

  • Enter a text value. Note you may also use the $(value) tag that will simply copy the trigger item value, e.g. 'Chosen value: $(value)'. $(value_raw) represents the value in an unchanged form (could be different in some cases). If you use the Hide item option, $(clear_on_show) allows you to clear the field when it is shown again.

  • Enter a text value. Note you may also use the $(value) tag that will simply copy the trigger item value, e.g. 'Chosen value: $(value)'. $(value_raw) represents the value in an unchanged form (could be different in some cases). If you use the Hide item option, $(clear_on_show) allows you to clear the field when it is shown again.

  • Enter a text value. Note you may also use the $(value) tag that will simply copy the trigger item value, e.g. 'Chosen value: $(value)'. $(value_raw) represents the value in an unchanged form (could be different in some cases). If you use the Hide item option, $(clear_on_show) allows you to clear the field when it is shown again.

  • Enter a text value. Note you may also use the $(value) tag that will simply copy the trigger item value, e.g. 'Chosen value: $(value)'. $(value_raw) represents the value in an unchanged form (could be different in some cases). If you use the Hide item option, $(clear_on_show) allows you to clear the field when it is shown again.

  • Enter a text value. Note you may also use the $(value) tag that will simply copy the trigger item value, e.g. 'Chosen value: $(value)'. $(value_raw) represents the value in an unchanged form (could be different in some cases). If you use the Hide item option, $(clear_on_show) allows you to clear the field when it is shown again.

  • Enter a text value. Note you may also use the $(value) tag that will simply copy the trigger item value, e.g. 'Chosen value: $(value)'. $(value_raw) represents the value in an unchanged form (could be different in some cases). If you use the Hide item option, $(clear_on_show) allows you to clear the field when it is shown again.

  • Enter a text value. Note you may also use the $(value) tag that will simply copy the trigger item value, e.g. 'Chosen value: $(value)'. $(value_raw) represents the value in an unchanged form (could be different in some cases). If you use the Hide item option, $(clear_on_show) allows you to clear the field when it is shown again.

  • Enter a text value. Note you may also use the $(value) tag that will simply copy the trigger item value, e.g. 'Chosen value: $(value)'. $(value_raw) represents the value in an unchanged form (could be different in some cases). If you use the Hide item option, $(clear_on_show) allows you to clear the field when it is shown again.

  • Enter a drop-down value, e.g. 1, 7, foo or bar. If you enter multiple comma-separated values, the dependent item's choices will be limited to these choices. The first value will be also selected. If you want to set different texts for the values, you can also use the format Value:Text, e.g. by entering: Value1:Text 1, Value2:Text 2 Note you may also use the $(value) tag that will simply copy the trigger item value, e.g. 'Chosen value: $(value)'. $(value_raw) represents the value in an unchanged form (could be different in some cases).

  • Enter a drop-down value, e.g. 1, 7, foo or bar. If you enter multiple comma-separated values, the dependent item's choices will be limited to these choices. The first value will be also selected. If you want to set different texts for the values, you can also use the format Value:Text, e.g. by entering: Value1:Text 1, Value2:Text 2 Note you may also use the $(value) tag that will simply copy the trigger item value, e.g. 'Chosen value: $(value)'. $(value_raw) represents the value in an unchanged form (could be different in some cases).
* - required field