Accommodations | Japanese Room (With Dinner & Breakfast) - Boka

Delvis ledig
Ditt pris:
Ange ankomst- och avresedatum för att se totalbeloppet
  • *
  • Children younger than 5 years old are shared meals and beds with adults.
  • If you know your name in Katakana please write it here. If not please skip this.
  • If you know your name in Katakana please write it here. If not please skip this.
  • Please let us know any important details about your dietary need and how we might better serve you during your stay.
  • Please let us know what time you plan to arrive.
  • If you have a voucher / coupon code, enter it here
Ytterligare information
  • Skriv eventuellt meddelande här. Både besökare och administratör kan se detta, samt göra ändringar.
* - obligatoriskt fält